- Accessing the Command Line
- Managing Files From the Command Line
- Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files
- Managing Local Users and Groups
- Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes
- Analyzing and Storing Logs
- Managing Networking
- Installing and Updating Software Packages
- Accessing Linux File Systems
- Analyzing Servers and Getting Support
- Scheduling Future Tasks
- Controlling Access to Files with ACLs
1. Which command displays all the user jobs that are currently scheduled to run as deferred jobs?
- A. atq
- B. atrm
- C. at -c
- D. at –display
2. Which command removes the deferred user job that has the job number 5?
- A. at -c 5
- B. atrm 5
- C. at 5
- D. at --delete 5
3. Which command displays all the recurring user jobs scheduled for the currently loggedin user?
- A. crontab -r
- B. crontab -l
- C. crontab -u
- D. crontab –V
4. Which job format executes /usr/local/bin/daily_backup hourly from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on all days from Monday through Friday?
- A. 00 * * * Mon-Fri /usr/local/bin/daily_backup
- B. */9 * * Mon-Fri /usr/local/bin/daily_backup
- C. 00 */18 * * * /usr/local/bin/daily_backup
- D. 00 09-18 * * Mon-Fri /usr/local/bin/daily_backup
5. Which directory contains the shell scripts intended to run on a daily basis?
- A. /etc/cron.d
- B. /etc/cron.hourly
- C. /etc/cron.daily
- D. /etc/cron.weekly
6. Which configuration file defines the settings for the system jobs that run on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis?
- A. /etc/crontab
- B. /etc/anacrontab
- C. /etc/inittab
- D. /etc/sysconfig/crond
7. Which systemd unit regularly triggers the cleanup of the temporary files?
- A. systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer
- B. systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
- C. dnf-makecache.timer
- D. unbound-anchor.timer