1. Which directory contains persistent, system-specific configuration data?

2. Which directory is the top of the system's file system hierarchy?

3. Which directory contains user home directories?

4. Which directory contains temporary files?

5. Which directory contains dynamic data, such as for databases and websites?

6. Which directory is the administrative superuser's home directory?

7. Which directory contains regular commands and utilities?

8. Which directory contains non-persistent process runtime data?tilities?

9. Which directory contains installed software programs and libraries?

10. Which command is used to return to the current user's home directory, assuming the current working directory is /tmp and their home directory is /home/user?

11. Which command displays the absolute path name of the current location?

12. Which command will always return you to the working directory used prior to the current working directory?

13. Which command will always change the working directory up two levels from the current location?

14. Which command lists files in the current location, using a long format, and including hidden files?

15. Which command will always change the working directory to /bin?

16. Which command will always change the working directory to the parent of the current location?

17. Which command will change the working directory to /tmp if the current working directory is /home/student?

18. Which pattern will match only filenames ending with "b"?

19. Which pattern will match only filenames beginning with "b"?

20. Which pattern will match only filenames where the first character is not "b"?

21. Which pattern will match all filenames containing a "b"?

22. Which pattern will match only filenames that contain a number?

23. Which pattern will match only filenames that begin with an uppercase letter?

24. Which pattern will match only filenames at least three characters in length?